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Surendra Nath Roy v Dwarka Nath Chakrabutty   flag 

[1916] AllINRprCal 217; [1917] AIR Cal 496
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
2nd May, 1916

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1914] Gal 836 [1914] Gal 836 United States circa 1914 flag 1
(1912) 39 Cal 1037 (1912) 39 Cal 1037 United States - California circa 1912 flag 3
(1906) 33 Gal 1286 (1906) 33 Gal 1286 United States circa 1906 flag 1
(1889) 13 AC 780 (1889) 13 AC 780 United Kingdom circa 1889 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
(1889) 12 Mad 422 (1889) 12 Mad 422 India circa 1889 flag 4
Bank of New South Wales v Owston (1879) 4 AC 270; 48 LJPC 25; 14 Cox CC 267; 43 JP 476; 40 LT 500 United Kingdom circa 1879 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 11
(1868) 10 WR 324 (1868) 10 WR 324; 8 Jur NS 267; 5 LT 846; 8 Jur NS 179 United Kingdom circa 1868 flag 5
(1865) 3 WR 8 (1865) 3 WR 8 United Kingdom circa 1865 flag 1
Gooroopersad Khoond,-Appellant; Juggutchunder ,-Respondents (1860) 8 Moore Ind App 166 India 15 Jun 1860 LIIofIndia flag 6
39 Gal 1037 39 Gal 1037 United States flag 1
33 Cal 915 33 Cal 915 United States - California flag 3
Ganges Manufacturing Co v Sourajmull (I L R 5 Cal 669 United States - California flag 4
2 Mad 226 2 Mad 226 India flag 6

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