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Chun Chong on behalf of Chun Lei and Chun Ken v the Insular Collector of Customs   flag 

[1918] PHSC 169
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st October, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Chin Yow v United States 208 US 13; 208 US 8; 28 SCt 201; 52 L Ed 369; 62 L Ed 369 United States Supreme Court United States 6 Jan 1908 WorldLII flag 61
Lee Jua vs Collector of Customs 32 Phil Rep 24 Philippines flag 9
Tan Chin Hin vs Collector of Customs 27 Phil Rep 521 Philippines flag 9
United States v Mrs Gue Lim 176 US 459; 83 F 136; 44 L Ed 544; 20 SCt 415 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Feb 1900 WorldLII flag 21
23 Phil Rep 614 23 Phil Rep 614 Philippines flag 7
28 Phil Rep 591 28 Phil Rep 591 Philippines flag 3
32 Phil 28 32 Phil 28 Philippines flag 1
32 Phil Rep 78 32 Phil Rep 78 Philippines flag 3
32 Phil Rep 82 32 Phil Rep 82 Philippines flag 3
32 Phil Rep 100 32 Phil Rep 100 Philippines flag 2
32 Phil Rep 487 32 Phil Rep 487 Philippines flag 3
32 Phil Rep 490 32 Phil Rep 490 Philippines flag 3
32 Phil Rep 1900 32 Phil Rep 1900 Philippines circa 1900 flag 1

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