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Basantrai v Mt Bhuri   flag 

[1919] AllINRprNag 8
All India Reporter - Nagpur
20th January, 1919

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1896] Awn 201 [1896] AWN 201 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1896 flag 2
(1890) 13 Mad 172 (1890) 13 Mad 172 India circa 1890 flag 4
Mulji Lala v Lingu Makaji 21 Bom 201 India - Maharashtra flag 10
Mani Bam Seth v Seth Rwpchand 33 Cal 1047 United States - California flag 18
(1915) 11 NLR 189 (1915) 11 NLR 189 Sri Lanka circa 1915 flag 4
18 Bom 614 18 Bom 614 India - Maharashtra flag 3

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