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M Nagaraja v Devaraja Karnathaya Bellala   flag 

[1921] AllINRprMad 102
All India Reporter - Madras
21st April, 1921

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
2 P 226 2 P 226 11
(1917) 19 Bom LR 60 (1917) 19 Bom LR 60 India - Maharashtra circa 1917 flag 2
(1919) 37 MLJ 698-541 (1919) 37 MLJ 698-541 Malaysia circa 1919 LexisNexis flag 1
(1919) 23 CWN 242 (1919) 23 CWN 242 India circa 1919 flag 1
(1918) 3 Patna Law Journal 372 (1918) 3 Patna Law Journal 372 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar circa 1918 flag 1
[1918] PHCC 238 [1918] PHCC 238 India - Bihar circa 1918 flag 1
(1913) 13 MLT 225 (1913) 13 MLT 225 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1913 flag 1
(1907) 31 Bom 1 (1907) 31 Bom 1 India - Maharashtra circa 1907 flag 1
310 MWN 626 310 MWN 626 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
18 Cr LJ 463 18 Cr LJ 463 India flag 1
14 Own 244 14 OWN 244 Canada - Ontario flag 1
10 IC 244 10 IC 244 United Kingdom flag 1

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