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Lachhman Shukul v Ram Kishore   flag 

[1921] AllINRprOudh 56
All India Reporter - Oudh
13th May, 1921

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
479-6 Australian Law Journal 263 479-6 Australian Law Journal 263 Australian Law Journal Australia Legal Online flag 1
Distriot ' limitation Magistrate will now try the appeal and" I therefore allow the appeal, set aside the will deal with the pleas whioh were raised/ decree of the lower appellate Oourt, and by Madad Ali by way of defence against* remand the case to that Court with a the charge, direction that it should admit the appeal Case sent back, under its original number in the register of civil appeals and dispose of it in the manner required by law The costs here and *AIR 1921 Oudh 102 (2) hitherto will abide the dvent Daniels, j c Appeal allowed Lachhman Shukul --Defen dants 2 and 3-Appellants India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1921 flag 4
987-5 Oudh Law Journal 629 987-5 Oudh Law Journal 629 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1921 flag 1
Air 1021 Oudh 104 AIR 1021 Oudh 104 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1921 flag 1
Suraj Bunsi Iswar v Sheo Pershad Singh [1880] 5 Gal 148 United States circa 1880 flag 10
437-39 Intl Org 280 437-39 Intl Org 280 United States circa 1921 flag 1

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