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Inland Revenue v Fothringham   flag 

[1923] ScotLR 159
Scottish Law Reporter
United Kingdom - Scotland
17th November, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1909] SC 107 [1909] SC 107 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1909 flag 5
In the Matter of Estate Duty Payable on the Death of the Second Earl Cowley [1897] UKLawRpKQB 175; (1898) 1 QB 355 United Kingdom 11 Dec 1897 CommonLII flag 5
4 Macph 1006 4 Macph 1006 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 5
Attorney-General v Power (1906) 2 IR 272 circa 1906 3
1899 1 f 917 1899 1 F 917 circa 1906 3
[1921] 3 KB 607 [1921] 3 KB 607 United Kingdom circa 1921 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
36 SLR 727 36 SLR 727 Singapore - Singapore circa 1906 LexisNexis flag 2
2 SLR 159 2 SLR 159 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 2
(1900) 2 Ir 272 (1900) 2 IR 272 circa 1900 1
61 SLR 159 61 SLR 159 Singapore - Singapore circa 1906 LexisNexis flag 1
7 f 983 7 F 983 circa 1906 1
7 f 963 7 F 963 circa 1906 1
6 f (HL) 1 6 F (HL) 1 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1906 flag 1

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