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C T Guruswamy v D K S Ebrahim   flag 

[1924] AllINRprRang 74
All India Reporter - Rangoon
19th May, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
See, Lim Cho Hock v Government of Perak [1965] 2 MLJ 148 Malaysia circa 1965 LexisNexis flag 6
(1915) 40 Mad 100 (1915) 40 Mad 100 India circa 1915 flag 2
(1895) 22 Cal 1004 (1895) 22 Cal 1004 United States - California circa 1895 flag 2
(1892) 15 Mad 224 (1892) 15 Mad 224 India circa 1892 flag 2
18 Bom 581 18 Bom 581 India - Maharashtra flag 2
(1912) 14 Bom LR 968; 17 IC 720 (1912) 14 Bom LR 968; 17 IC 720 India - Maharashtra circa 1912 flag 1

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