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Pirbax v Mt Nanhebi   flag 

[1925] AllINRprNag 111
All India Reporter - Nagpur
3rd September, 1925

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Varada Filial v Jeevaratnammal 43 Mad 244 India flag 26
[1922] Nag 115 [1922] Nag 115 India - Maharashtra circa 1922 flag 2
(1905) 29 Bom 213 (1905) 29 Bom 213 India - Maharashtra circa 1905 flag 3
Sudder Courts and the Supreme Court 7 Bom 341 India - Maharashtra flag 8
(1919) 15 NLR 31 (1919) 15 NLR 31 Sri Lanka circa 1919 flag 3
(1909) 5 NLR 70 (1909) 5 NLR 70 Sri Lanka circa 1909 flag 4
9 WR 123 9 WR 123 United Kingdom flag 1
2 P 259 2 P 259 8

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