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Marimuthu Pillai v Goalapkrishna Ayyar   flag 

[1929] AllINRprMad 261; [1929] AIR Mad 774
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
16th April, 1929

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1900) 23 Mad 534 (1900) 23 Mad 534 India circa 1900 flag 2
[1924] Mad 736 [1924] Mad 736 India circa 1924 flag 1
v ' 1923 to recover the principal, #int^rest, Gopalakrishna Ayyar -- and interest on interest as provided in Defendants--Respondents the document Both the lower Courts Second Appeal No 1562 of 1925, Deci have held in favour of the plaintiff a & ded on 16th April 1929, against decree regards post diem interest The District of Sub-Judge, Tanjore, in Appeal Suit Munsif, however, held that the rate to be No 78 of 1924! awarded as interest on arrears of interest (a) Interest--Post diem--Period fixed for should be restricted to 9 per cent where payment--Payjnent not made within time-- as the lower appellate Court held that Presumption is in favour of payment of the same should be paid at the rate of interest till amounts are actually paid un less contrary intention is clear 12 per cent as provided in the document Where the amount due is not paid within The learned advocate for the appellant the stipulated time the Courts having regard contends that no post diem interest at to the intention of the parties and the com all is payable if the documeftt be properly mon course of events are entitled to presume that the real intention was that interest construed He also ^criticises the award should be paid till the amounts are actually of interest upon arrears of interest by repaid and unless there be anything in the the lower appellate Court There are document which necessarily indicates that considerations mentioned in the judg the parties did not intend to pay post diem interest, the tendenoy of the Court is to award ment of the Privy Council reported in it; 19 All 39(PC) 36 MLJ 118 Malaysia circa 1924 LexisNexis flag 2
36 MLJ 118 36 MLJ 118 Malaysia circa 1924 LexisNexis flag 2

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