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Rangappaya Aithala v Shiva Aithala   flag 

[1933] AllINRprMad 303; [1933] AIR Mad 699
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
7th April, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1914 Mad 675 AIR 1914 Mad 675 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1914 flag 1
Air 1919 Mad 877 AIR 1919 Mad 877 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1919 flag 3
(1912) 39 Gal 822 (1912) 39 Gal 822 United States circa 1912 flag 1
Air 1921 Pat 333 AIR 1921 Pat 333 India - Bihar circa 1921 flag 2
2 P 699 2 P 699 2
Air 1926 Mad 201 AIR 1926 Mad 201 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1926 flag 3
(1902) 29 Gal 167 (1902) 29 Gal 167 United States circa 1902 flag 9
Chettiar ' who is ejected from the property In (2), which shows that this view is right* my opinion the application is not a suit In that case it was held that an ap and the order refusing it is not a decree plication for execution against a judg Therefore I must dismiss the appeal as ment-debtor who happened to have died 1 hold it does not lie The respondents before the date of the application bona; will have their costs fide made in the belief that he was still alive, was a step in aid of execu pRS /k s Appeal dismissed tion; in other words, will furnish a starting point for limitation for fur- 1 India - Bihar circa 1924 flag 2
[1931] Lah 636 [1931] Lah 636 Pakistan circa 1931 flag 2
17 Mad 76 17 Mad 76 India circa 1924 flag 7
4 Act 1 4 Act 1 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 4

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