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Mt Mushrafi Begam v Kundan Lal   flag 

[1933] AllINRprOudh 70
All India Reporter - Oudh
27th April, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1927] PC 84 [1927] PC 84 United Kingdom circa 1927 flag 3
(1908) 5 Australian Law Journal 534 (1908) 5 Australian Law Journal 534 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1908 Legal Online flag 2
Explained, Sottomnyor v De Buries (1880) 5 PD 105 United Kingdom circa 1880 flag 2
(1864) 164 Er 1399 (1864) 164 ER 1399 United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 3
Norton v Bazett [1856] EngR 833; 164 ER 569; [1856] Dea & Sw 259 United Kingdom circa 1856 CommonLII flag 2
(1839) 163 Er 425 (1839) 163 ER 425 United Kingdom circa 1839 CommonLII flag 2
Air 1932 Oudh 123 AIR 1932 Oudh 123 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1932 flag 1
Air 1925 PC 208 AIR 1925 PC 208 Privy Council India circa 1925 flag 1
Air 1915 PC 21 AIR 1915 PC 21 Privy Council India circa 1915 flag 2

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