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Labhsing v Emperor   flag 

[1934] AllINRprSind 38
All India Reporter - Sind
5th April, 1934

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Hari Dass Sanyal v Saritulla (1888) 15 Cal 608 United States - California circa 1888 flag 14
Wakefield Local Board v Lee [1876] UKLawRpExch 49; (1875-1876) 1 Ex D 336 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom 19 May 1876 CommonLII flag 12
Narayanaswamy Naidu v Emperor 32 Mad 220 India flag 5
(1898) 25 Cal 863 (1898) 25 Cal 863 United States - California circa 1898 flag 4
[1931] Mad 488 [1931] Mad 488 India circa 1931 flag 3
AIR 1922 Lahore 49 AIR 1922 Lahore 49 India - Punjab circa 1922 flag 3
Air 1915 Mad 23 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1915 flag 3
Air 1923 Mad 660 AIR 1923 Mad 660 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1923 flag 2
[1920] Mad 337 [1920] Mad 337 India circa 1920 flag 1
Air 1920 Pat 693 AIR 1920 Pat 693 India - Bihar circa 1920 flag 1
Air 1918 Nag 22 AIR 1918 Nag 22 India - Maharashtra circa 1918 flag 1

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