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Matching Cases: 2

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Bishun Chand v Girdhari Lai [1934] PC 147; 150 IC 6 United Kingdom circa 1934 flag 5
N "Acknowledgment had suppressed his accounts, and that his conten I of Debt Implies a promise to pay : Section 25 , tion that he had handed over the account to the Contract Act;'* Page 770 Pt l defendant on the execution of the receipt was un (c) Accounts--Accounts stated--Merely some true The Court held that the debt was time-barred Items barred is immaterial -- If whole account when the document Ex P-1, which was an acknow time barred, S 25 (3) must be satisfied ledgment, was executed On the question whether the document could be the basis of the suit and If there is an account stated the fact that some of whether it fulfilled the requirements of sub-s (3) of the items in the account stated, where there are S 25, Contract Act, the Court came to the con- more items than one, are time-barred is immaterial elusion that there was no express promise to pay as If the whole account is time-barred, then the ban that sub-section requires as distinguished from mere imposed by S 25 (3), Contract Act, would apply : acknowledgment, even though the latter mig^t 0 * ('34) 21 Privy Council India circa 1934 flag 1

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