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Premier Clothing Co v F H Frusher   flag 

[1938] AllINRprSind 87
All India Reporter - Sind
20th May, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Air 1933 All 597 AIR 1933 All 597 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1933 flag 2
Air 1933 Bom 185 AIR 1933 Bom 185 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 2
Applicability ' learned Judge, we think, means `execution Buie 12 of 0 22, Civil P G , is not intended to apply to appeals against orders passed in execu against the person, pay, ammunition and tion : A IR 1929 Pat 565 (F B)t Dissent; AIR suet? other regimental necessaries as are 1933 All 388 AIR 1928 Mad 772 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1928 flag 2
Air 1919 Bom 133 AIR 1919 Bom 133 India - Maharashtra circa 1919 flag 2
[1918] Bom 32 [1918] Bom 32 India - Maharashtra circa 1918 flag 2
[1934] Bom 31 [1934] Bom 31 India - Maharashtra circa 1934 flag 1
[1934] Mad 664 [1934] Mad 664 India circa 1934 flag 1
[1933] Bom 1856 [1933] Bom 1856 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 1
(1918) 5 Air Bom 32 (1918) 5 AIR Bom 32 India - Maharashtra circa 1918 flag 1
143 Air Bom 185 143 AIR Bom 185 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
48 Bom 368 48 Bom 368 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
43 Bom 3683 43 Bom 3683 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
43 Bom 368 43 Bom 368 India - Maharashtra flag 1
21 Bom LR 137 21 Bom LR 137 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
Kering Rupchand & Co v G B Murray 21 AIR Bom 31 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
6 Air Bom 133 6 AIR Bom 133 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1

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