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Ponnuchami Chetti v Annakamu Servai   flag 

[1939] AllINRprMad 166; [1940] AIR Mad 439
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
11th October, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1930) 17 Air Mad 874 (1930) 17 AIR Mad 874 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1930 flag 1
[1926] Mad 352 [1926] Mad 352 India circa 1926 flag 1
(1926) 13 Air Mad 352 (1926) 13 AIR Mad 352 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1926 flag 1
(1913) 36 Mad 499 (1913) 36 Mad 499 India circa 1913 flag 2
(1891) 15 Bom 585 (1891) 15 Bom 585 India - Maharashtra circa 1891 flag 2
(1889) 60 LT 397 (1889) 60 LT 397 United Kingdom circa 1889 flag 1
128 IC 518 128 IC 518 United Kingdom flag 1
53 Mad 8263 53 Mad 8263 India flag 1
32 Mad 68 32 Mad 68 India flag 2
15 Bom 5854 15 Bom 5854 India - Maharashtra flag 1
2 P 441 2 P 441 9
Commissioners of Taxation v English, Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd AIR 1920 PC 88 Privy Council India circa 1920 flag 2

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