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Lalta v Avadh Naresh Singh   flag 

[1939] AllINRprOudh 94
All India Reporter - Oudh
26th September, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1933] Nag 2372 [1933] Nag 2372 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 1
(1937) 24 Air Cal 241 (1937) 24 AIR Cal 241 India - West Bengal circa 1937 flag 1
[1937] Cal 2415 [1937] Cal 2415 United States - California circa 1937 flag 1
23 Air Oudh 340 23 AIR Oudh 340 India - Uttar Pradesh flag 1
[1937] Lah 1513 [1937] Lah 1513 Pakistan circa 1937 flag 1
65 CLJ 151 65 CLJ 151 1
[1939] Cal 394 [1939] Cal 394 United States - California circa 1939 flag 1
[1924] Mad 1186 [1924] Mad 1186 India circa 1924 flag 1
[1939] Cal 3941 [1939] Cal 3941 United States - California circa 1939 flag 1
2 P 62 2 P 62 12
[1939] Own 920 [1939] OWN 920 Canada - Ontario circa 1939 flag 2
76 IC 767 76 IC 767 United Kingdom flag 2
Therefore a (1929) 16 AIR Pat 637 India - Bihar circa 1929 flag 1
Sundarathammal v Paramaswami Asari (1933) 20 AIR Mad 883 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1933 flag 1
[1933] Mad 8837 [1933] Mad 8837 India circa 1933 flag 1
62 Cal 7119 62 Cal 7119 United States - California circa 1933 flag 1

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