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Bimal Protiva Debi v Emperor   flag 

[1941] AllINRprCal 154; [1942] AIR Cal 464
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
5th December, 1941

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1930] Gal 668 [1930] Gal 668 United States circa 1930 flag 1
[1930] Cal 668 [1930] Cal 668 United States - California circa 1930 flag 1
129 IC 184 129 IC 184 United Kingdom flag 1
2 P 467 2 P 467 4
Court " The "Civil BARTLEY J -- I agree Courts*' within the meaning of the Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act are mentioned in S & GN /RK jBuie discharged of that Act and are as follows : (1) the Court of the District Judge; (2) the Court of the Additional a (*30) 17 AIR 1930 Cal 668 India - West Bengal circa 1930 flag 1

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