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In re K Govinda Prabhu   flag 

[1943] AllINRprMad 380; [1943] AIR Mad 687
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
20th July, 1943

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1942-2] MLJ 673 [1942-2] MLJ 673 Malaysia circa 1942 LexisNexis flag 2
Chu Tak Fai v Public Prosecutor [2007] 1 MLJ 201; [2006] 4 CLJ 931 Malaysia circa 2006 LexisNexis flag 16
Marappan v Siti Rahmah [1998] 1 MLJ 99 Malaysia circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 13
[1943] Mad 281 [1943] Mad 281 India circa 1943 flag 1
[1943] Mad 255 [1943] Mad 255 India circa 1943 flag 2
[1943] Mad 145 [1943] Mad 145 India circa 1943 flag 2
(1943) 1 MLJ 20 (1943) 1 MLJ 20 Malaysia circa 1943 LexisNexis flag 6
[1941] Mad 132 [1941] Mad 132 India circa 1941 flag 2
[1941] Mad 118 [1941] Mad 118 India circa 1941 flag 5
(1940) 2 MLJ 838 (1940) 2 MLJ 838 Malaysia circa 1940 LexisNexis flag 3
Ram Singh v Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri Malaysia (1939) 1 MLJ 468 Malaysia circa 1939 LexisNexis flag 3
207 IC 397 207 IC 397 United Kingdom circa 1939 flag 2
206 IC 314 206 IC 314 United Kingdom circa 1939 flag 2
206 IC 257 206 IC 257 United Kingdom circa 1939 flag 1
195 IC 559 195 IC 559 United Kingdom circa 1939 flag 3
44 Cr LJ 472 44 Cr LJ 472 India circa 1939 flag 1
44 Cr LJ 463 44 Cr LJ 463 India circa 1939 flag 1
Air 1943 Mad 587 AIR 1943 Mad 587 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1943 flag 1
Air 1943 Mad 281 AIR 1943 Mad 281 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1943 flag 1

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