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Profulla Kumar Basu v Gopee Bullabh Sen   flag 

[1944] AllINRprCal 39
All India Reporter - Calcutta
4th February, 1944

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Nallappa Reddi v Vridhthala Reddi [1911] AllINRprMad 27; 37 Mad 270 All India Reporter - Madras India 6 Oct 1911 AsianLII flag 2
Ascherson v Tredegar Dry Dock and Wharf Co [1909] UKLawRpCh 91; [1909] 2 Ch 401; 78 LJCh 697; 101 LT 519; 16 Mans 318 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 8 Jul 1909 CommonLII flag 23
Wolmershausen v Gullick [1893] UKLawRpCh 73; [1893] 2 Ch 514; 62 LJCh 773; 68 LT 753 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 1 May 1893 CommonLII flag 81
Richard Mitchell and Dorothy, his Wife, v Chrassweller [1853] EngR 174; 13 CB 237; 22 LJCP 100; 138 ER 1189; 13 CB 239 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1853 CommonLII flag 15
8 C & P 7325 8 C & P 7325 1
[1929] Cal 208 [1929] Cal 208 United States - California circa 1929 flag 1
37 Mad 2702 37 Mad 2702 India flag 1
2 P 162 2 P 162 5
56 Cal 2623 56 Cal 2623 United States - California flag 1
118 IC 882 118 IC 882 United Kingdom flag 1
Air 1915 Mad 36 AIR 1915 Mad 36 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1915 flag 2
1 P 163 1 P 163 2
56 Cal 262 56 Cal 262 United States - California flag 1
(1839) 8 C & P 732 (1839) 8 C & P 732 circa 1839 9
Storey v Ashton (1869) LR 4 QB 476 United Kingdom circa 1869 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 8
2 P 166 2 P 166 13
[1915] Mad 86 [1915] Mad 86 India circa 1915 flag 1

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