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Bachimanchi Venkata Kotayya Sastri v Province of Madras   flag 

[1945] AllINRprMad 326; [1945] AIR Mad 524
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
16th April, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Air 1942 PC 21 AIR 1942 PC 21 Privy Council India circa 1942 flag 1
169 IC 597 169 IC 597 United Kingdom flag 1
[1937] Mad 523 [1937] Mad 523 India circa 1937 flag 1
40 Mad 886 40 Mad 886 India flag 7
[1942] Mad 893 [1942] Mad 893 India circa 1942 flag 5
Air 1937 Mad 523 AIR 1937 Mad 523 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1937 flag 1
Govern "bbdi"), which takes off at, and flows ment to supply water is shown the Inamdar of southwards from, D which as already his own sweet will may tap any water at any point whatsoever AIR 1917 PC 42 Privy Council India circa 1917 flag 2
[1942] PC 21 [1942] PC 21 United Kingdom circa 1942 flag 7
200 IC 1 200 IC 1 United Kingdom circa 1917 flag 3
41 IC 98 41 IC 98 United Kingdom circa 1917 flag 2

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