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Messrs Kashram Jhabarmal v Muncipal Committee, Nagpur   flag 

[1945] AllINRprNag 106; [1946] ILR Nag 99; [1946] AIR Nag 190
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
29th October, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1934] Itr 236 [1934] ITR 236 circa 1934 1
[1934] Itr 2362 [1934] ITR 2362 circa 1934 2
[1945] Nag 197 [1945] Nag 197 India - Maharashtra circa 1945 flag 1
Air 1940 Pat 01246 AIR 1940 Pat 01246 India - Bihar circa 1940 flag 1
Air 1945 Mad 329 AIR 1945 Mad 329 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1945 flag 2
British Sugar Manufacturers Ltd v Harris (1938) 2 KB 220 United Kingdom circa 1938 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 7
Harris (1937) 21 Tax Cas 528 United Kingdom circa 1937 flag 9
Mahairam Kamjidas's(1)case ','makes the machinery workable, utres valeat potius quam pereat" We, therefore, think that we should read sub-sec (6), according to the provision of which interest has to be calculated as provided in sub-sec (8) in a manner which makes it workable and thereby prevent the clear intention of sub-sec (8) being defeated Now, how is that best done? As we have (1) (1940) 8 ITR 442; AIR 1940 PC 124 Privy Council India circa 1940 flag
2 Cal 215 2 Cal 215 United States - California circa 1940 flag 2
2 P 19 2 P 19 circa 1940 13
2 P 195 2 P 195 circa 1940 8
2 P 196 2 P 196 circa 1940 5
16 IC 465 16 IC 465 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 1
107 LJKB 472 107 LJKB 472 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 2
159 LT 365 159 LT 365 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 2
160 IC 862 160 IC 862 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 2
189 IC 154 189 IC 154 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 2

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