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Fernando v Peiris - NLR - 40 of 50   flag 

[1948] LKCA 18; (1948) 50 NLR 40
Sri Lankan Court of Appeal
Sri Lanka
27th September, 1948

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Baxter v Baxter [1948] AC 274; 1947 2 All ER 886 United Kingdom circa 1948 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 15
C v C [1921] P 399 circa 1921 9
[1981] P 399 [1981] P 399 circa 1981 1
(1940) WLD 55 (1940) WLD 55 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1940 flag 1
Gunatileke v Mille Nona - NLR - 291 of 38 [1936] LKCA 6; (1936) 38 NLR 291 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 10 Jul 1936 AsianLII flag 1
[1916] CPD 109 [1916] CPD 109 circa 1916 1
L Otherwise B v B [1895] UKLawRpPro 22; [1895] P 274 United Kingdom 29 May 1895 CommonLII flag 1

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