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Sa Pont (alias) Paw Lu v The Union of Burma   flag 

[1950] BurLawRp 76; [1950] BLR (HC) 352
Burma Law Reports
28th June, 1950

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1886] Ilr 23 [1886] ILR 23 circa 1886 1
AIR 1939 Lahore 355 AIR 1939 Lahore 355 India - Punjab circa 1939 flag 2
Mat Ottawa Lai v Emperor, AJR [1939] Lah 353 Pakistan circa 1939 flag 1
Maui Ram v R [1927] ILR 8 circa 1927 3
Maung Gyi v King-Emperor 7 LBR 13 Myanmar flag 2
6 LBR 100 6 LBR 100 Myanmar flag 1

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