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U Tin Tun v U Chit Htut and one   flag 

[1959] BurLawRp 39; [1959] BLR (HC) 163
Burma Law Reports
25th June, 1959

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1953] BLR 235 [1953] BLR 235 circa 1953 1
Air 1955 Pat 496 AIR 1955 Pat 496 India - Bihar circa 1955 flag 3
K Krisknan Nair v VaUionrmal AIR 1949 Mad 785 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1949 flag 1
Air 1935 Bom 398 AIR 1935 Bom 398 India - Maharashtra circa 1935 flag 1
Lakshman Santu Sintre v Batkrishna Keshav Shetye AIR 1925 Bom 398 India - Maharashtra circa 1925 flag 2

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