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Ah Kyin v Lee Tape Man   flag 

[1962] BurLawRp 87; [1962] BLR (CC) 371
Burma Law Reports
6th September, 1962

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1939] Bom 616 [1939] Bom 616 India - Maharashtra circa 1939 flag 1
[1946] Bom 174 [1946] Bom 174 India - Maharashtra circa 1946 flag 2
Hirabai Gendalal v Bhagirath Ramchanara & Co AIR 1946 Bom 174 India - Maharashtra circa 1946 flag 2
P T Christensen v K Suthi [1909] 5 LBR 76 Myanmar circa 1909 flag 3
Sudhandu Mohun Boy v Durga Dasi,3 [1887] ILR 14 circa 1887 6
U Than Tin v M Ba Ba [1953] BurLawRp 13; [1953] BLR (SC) 9 Burma Law Reports Myanmar 9 Mar 1953 AsianLII flag 1
887 Ilr 14 887 ILR 14 circa 1953 1

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