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Matching Law Journal Articles: 32

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 10 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 10 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 AustLII flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 3 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 3 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 AustLII flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 5 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 5 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 AustLII flag
"Overthrow of Attorney-General v Gill: Cooney v Ku-Ring-Gai Municipal Council, The" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 122 Richardson, J E Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Outline of Some Recommendations for the Ammendment of the Bankruptcy Act, An" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 24 Clyne, Thomas Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Australian Capital Territory Legislative Summary" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 138 Guild, P N Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Chapman vSuttie" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 140 Cirulis, A Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Kean v The Commonwealth" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 146 Higgins, T J Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 127 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 127 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Painter v Painter" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 155 Cirulis, A Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 159 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 159 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Report of the Committee Appointed by the Commonwealth Government to Review the Bills of Exchange Act 1909-1958" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 183 Riley, B B Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"R v Lampe; Ex Parte Maddalozzo" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 149 Higgins, TJ Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Sir Owen Dixon's Theory of Federalism" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 221 Zines, Leslie Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Aviation Law in Australia" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 242 Richardson, JE Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Commentary on Section 260 of the Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1936-1965, A" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 292 Waight, P K Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Principle and Practice in Commonwealth Industrial Arbitration: A Further Comment" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 202 Sloane, K; Smith, D W Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Inter Se Questions: Removal to High Court" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 310 Morris, B Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Commonwealth Digest" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 313 Brown, S P K; Meagher, M v; Scott, M C Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Australian Capital Territory Legislative Summary" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 321 Higgins, T J Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Treaties in Constitutional Law: A Comment on Fishwick v Cleland" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 306 Sharwood, Robin L Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Bribery Commissioner v Ranasinghe" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 327 Colquhoun, J R Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Redfern v Dunlop Rubber Australia Ltd" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 332 Higgins, T J Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Marks v Commonwealth" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 338 Thynne, J B Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Queen v Public Vehicles Licensing Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania; Ex Parte Australian National Airways PTY LTD, The" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 324 Buchanan, P Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Airlines of New South Wales PTY Ltd v New South Wales [No 2]" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 348 Armstrong, Pauline R Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 359 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 359 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
[1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 373 [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 373 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Australian Judicial System: The Proposed New Federal Superior Court, The" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 1 Barwick, Garfield Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Principle and Practice in Commonwealth Industrial Arbitration after Sixty Years" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 47 McGarvie, RE Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Courts-Martial Appeals in Australia" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 95 Enderby, K E Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag
"Jones v Commonwealth" [1964-1965] 1 FedLRev 342 Davies, G J Australia circa 1965 HeinOnline flag

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