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Boggs v R   flag  2

[1981] 1 SCR 49
3rd February, 1981

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Scowby v Glendinning [1986] 2 SCR 226 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 9 Oct 1986 Supreme Court of Canada flag 7
R v Clement [1981] 2 SCR 468 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 6 Oct 1981 Supreme Court of Canada flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
R v Mansour [1979] 2 SCR 916 circa 1979 2
R v Prue [1979] 2 SCR 547 circa 1979 2
R v Akey [1979] 1 MVR 293 circa 1979 1
MacDonald v Vapor Canada Ltd [1977] 2 SCR 134 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 30 Jan 1976 Supreme Court of Canada flag 16
Lord's Day Alliance v Attorney-General of British Columbia [1959] SCR 497; 19 DLR (2d) 97 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 28 Apr 1959 Supreme Court of Canada flag 5
Munro (1959) 22 DLR (2d) 443 Canada circa 1959 flag 1
R [1956] SCR 303 circa 1956 11
Gaehring (1956) 20 WWR 189 Canada circa 1956 flag 1
Attorney General for Quebec v Canadian Federation of Agriculture [1951] AC 179; [1950] 4 DLR 689 United Kingdom circa 1951 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Reference re Validity of Section 5(a) of the Dairy Industry Act [1949] SCR 1; [1949] 1 DLR 433 circa 1949 15
R v Whynacht [1942] 1 DLR 238 circa 1942 1
Provincial Secretary of Prince Edward Island v Egan [1941] SCR 396 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 22 Apr 1941 Supreme Court of Canada flag 19
Attorney-General for British Columbia v Attorney-General for Canada [1937] AC 368 United Kingdom circa 1937 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 9
Toronto Electric Commissioners v Snider [1925] AC 396; [1925] 2 DLR 5 United Kingdom circa 1925 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 32
In re the Board of Commerce Act, 1919, and the Combines and Fair Prices Act, 1919 [1922] 1 AC 191 United Kingdom circa 1922 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 16
1 SCR 49 1 SCR 49 circa 1922 5

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