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Matching Cases: 6

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Royal Bank of Canada v Saskatchewan Power Corporation [1991] 1 WWR 1 Canada circa 1991 flag 1
Court of Appeal (1990) 50 BCLR (2d) 266; 39 ETR 113; 29 RFL (3d) 268; [1991] 1 WWR 419 Canada - British Columbia circa 1991 flag 1
Martin v MacDonald Estate (Gray) (1991) 1 WWR 705 Canada circa 1991 flag 7
Quintette Coal Ltd v Nippon Steel Corpn [1991] 1 WWR 219 Canada circa 1991 flag 2
Amchem Products v Workers' Compensation Board (1990) 75 DLR (4th) 1; 44 CPC (2d) 1; [1991] 1 WWR 243; (1990) 50 BCLR (2d) 218 Canada - British Columbia circa 1990 flag 2
R v Butler 60 CCC (3d) 219; 1 CR (4th) 309; [1991] 1 WWR 97 Canada circa 1991 flag 5

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