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Kartik v State - Jcra   flag 

[1992] INORHC 818
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
28th August, 1992

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1986] Acj 1062 [1986] ACJ 1062 circa 1986 2
[1986] Acj 200 [1986] ACJ 200 circa 1986 2
Church (Inspector of Awards and Agreements) v Fast Spark Developments Ltd AC194/85 [1985] NZArbCJud 203 [1985] ACJ 762 New Zealand 2 Dec 1985 NZLII flag 5
[1982] Acj 153 [1982] ACJ 153 circa 1982 3
Prasad Vs Parbati Kedia) [1977] ACJ 343 circa 1977 8

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