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Santanu Kumar Das v Bairagi Charan Das - SA   flag 

[1995] INORHC 199
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
13th March, 1995

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1980 SC 2026 AIR 1980 SC 2026 Supreme Court of India India circa 1980 flag 1
Air 1983 Ori 135 AIR 1983 Ori 135 India - Orissa circa 1983 flag 2
Civil Procedure Code [1908] OR 6 Canada circa 1908 flag 6
Narbada Prasad v Chhagan Lal [1968] INSC 166; [1969] 1 SCR 499; AIR 1969 SC 395 Supreme Court of India India 30 Jul 1968 LIIofIndia flag 7
Radha Prasad Singh v Gajadhar Singh [1959] INSC 111; 1960 1 SCR 663; AIR 1960 SC 115 Supreme Court of India India 7 Sep 1959 LIIofIndia flag 4
2 Revue Legale 4 2 Revue Legale 4 Revue Legale Canada - Quebec circa 1960 flag 1
2 Se 100 2 SE 100 United States circa 1960 flag 1
8 Revue Legale 5 8 Revue Legale 5 Revue Legale Canada - Quebec circa 1960 flag 1
14 Revue Legale 1 14 Revue Legale 1 Revue Legale Canada - Quebec circa 1960 flag 1

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