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Matching Cases: 10

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1997] Co Rep 1997-1 [1997] Co Rep 1997-1 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag
[1997] Co Rep 1997-Viii [1997] Co Rep 1997-VIII King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 102
[1997] Co Rep 1997-Vii [1997] Co Rep 1997-VII King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 92
Aydin v Turkey , September [1997] Co Rep 1997-VI King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 163
[1997] Co Rep 1997-v [1997] Co Rep 1997-V King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 45
[1997] Co Rep 1997-IV [1997] Co Rep 1997-IV King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 102
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1997] Co Rep 1997-III King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 115
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1997] Co Rep 1997-II King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 106
[1997] Co Rep 1997-i [1997] Co Rep 1997-I King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 113
[1997] Co Rep 1997 [1997] Co Rep 1997 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 148

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