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National MBf Finance (Fiji) Ltd v Kumar   flag 

[1997] FJHC 221
High Court of Fiji
18th July, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Davies v Pagett (1986) 10 FCR 226 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 68
Farden v Ritcher (1889) 23 QBD 1247 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1889 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Evans Bartlam
Ryan v Adams (1993) 112 FLR 474 Australia circa 1993 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 10
Atwood v Chichester [1878] UKLawRpKQB 4; (1878) 3 QBD 722 United Kingdom 15 Jan 1878 CommonLII flag 99
Watt v Barnett [1878] UKLawRpKQB 28; (1878) 3 QBD 363 United Kingdom 20 Mar 1878 CommonLII flag 30
Vann v Auford (1986) 83 LS Gaz 1725 United Kingdom circa 1986 flag 64
Burns v Kondel [1971] 1 Lloyds Rep 554 United Kingdom circa 1971 Westlaw flag 45
[1993] Or 13 [1993] OR 13 Canada circa 1993 flag 20

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