Balcerzak v City of Milwaukee Wisconsin
163 F3d 993
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
United States
15 Dec 1998
Owens v Board of Police and Fire Comm'rs of Beloit
362 NW2d 171; 122 Wis2d 449
United States - Wisconsin
250 NW2d 369
250 NW2d 369
United States
Brown v Argosy Gaming Co Lp
384 F3d 413
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
United States
15 Sep 2004
Vincent Insolia, Billy Mays, Maureen Lovejoy, Karen Insolia, Phyllis Mays, and Lee Lovejoy, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v Philip Morris Incorporated, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Bat Industries PLC , Lorillard Tobacco Co, Liggett Group, Inc , Hill and Knowlton, Inc , the Council for Tobacco Research-USA , Inc , and the Tobacco Institute, Inc , Defendants-Appellees Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation, Plaintiff-Appellant, v Philip Morris Incorporated, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Bat Industries PLC , Lorillard Tobacco Co, Liggett Group, Inc , Hill and Knowlton, Inc , the Council for Tobacco Research-USA , Inc , and the Tobacco Institute, Inc , Defendants-Appellees
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
United States
16 Jun 2000