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R (Friends of the Earth Ltd and Greenpeace Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Secretary of State for Health   flag  2

[2001] EWHC Admin 914
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
15th November, 2001

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
PART II Dispute concerning access to information under article 9 of the OSPAR Convention between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Final Award, decision of 2 July 2003 [2003] UNRpIAA 9 International 2 Jul 2003 WorldLII flag
PART II Dispute concerning access to information under article 9 of the OSPAR Convention between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Final Award, decision of 2 July 2003 [2003] UNRpIAA 8 International 2 Jul 2003 WorldLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
PART II Dispute concerning access to information under article 9 of the OSPAR Convention between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Final Award, decision of 2 July 2003 [2003] UNRpIAA 8 International 2 Jul 2003 WorldLII flag
PART II Dispute concerning access to information under article 9 of the OSPAR Convention between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Final Award, decision of 2 July 2003 [2003] UNRpIAA 9 International 2 Jul 2003 WorldLII flag

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