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Beames v Queensland B40/2002   flag 

[2003] HCATrans 826
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
25th June, 2003

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Land Act 1994 (Qld) s9, s10, s358
Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) s60

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Cummings v Claremont Petroleum NL [1996] HCA 19; (1996) 185 CLR 124; (1996) 137 ALR 1; (1996) 70 ALJR 616 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1996 AustLII flag 336
Clyne v NSW Bar Association [1960] HCA 40; (1960) 104 CLR 186; [1960] ALR 574; 34 ALJR 87 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Jul 1960 AustLII flag 846
Heath v Tang; Stevens v Peacock [1993] 4 All ER 694; [1993] 1 WLR 1421 United Kingdom circa 1993 LexisNexis flag 128

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