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"A Phantom Menace? Patents and the Communal Status of Space"   flag 

[2003] VUWLawRw 33
Smith, Tim
Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Star Wars And Space Malls: When The Paint Chips Off A Treaty'S Golden Handcuffs" (2000) 42 South Texas Law Review 155 South Texas Law Review United States circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"International Law of Outer Space and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" (1999) 17 Boston University International Law Journal 315 Boston University International Law Journal United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"International Law of Outer Space and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" (1999) 17 Boston University International Law Journal 311 Boston University International Law Journal United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Sellers v Maritime Safety Inspector [1999] 2 NZLR 45 New Zealand circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 3
Hughes v United States of America (1993) 29 Fed Cl 197 United States circa 1993 flag 3
"The Commercialisation of Space: A Regulatory Scheme that Promotes Commercial Ventures and International Responsibility" (1988) 61 Southern California Law Review 1055 Southern California Law Review United States circa 1988 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Commercialisation of Space: A Regulatory Scheme that Promotes Commercial Ventures and International Responsibility" (1988) 61 Southern California Law Review 1005 Southern California Law Review United States circa 1988 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Fogarty v United States of America (1984) 5 Cl Ct 402 United States circa 1984 flag 1
R v Kelly [1982] AC 665 United Kingdom circa 1982 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 5
E Confirmation of Access to Seas and Beaches The (1982) 21 International Legal Materials 1261 International Legal Materials United States circa 1982 HeinOnline flag 71
Ex parte McKay (1975) 200 USPQ 324 United States circa 1975 flag 1
Deepsouth Packing Co v Laitram Corporation 406 US 518; 173 USPQ 769; 32 L Ed 2d 273; 92 SCt 1700 United States Supreme Court United States 30 May 1972 WorldLII flag 39
"literary, artistic and scientific works" (1967) 828 UNTS 3 International circa 1967 flag 9
(1967) 15 Unts 206 (1967) 15 UNTS 206 International circa 1967 flag 1
(1944) 15 Unts 295 (1944) 15 UNTS 295 International circa 1944 flag 46
35 USC 154 35 USC 154 United States Code United States circa 1988 LII (Cornell) flag 51

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