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Shri Shiv Raj Singh v Union of India, Through The Secretary - Case   flag 

[2005] INCAT 542
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
6th October, 2005

Legislation Cited

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Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Janardhan Debanath 2004 4 SCC 245; AIR 2004 SC 1632 Supreme Court of India India circa 2004 flag 69
Air 1993 SC 2486 AIR 1993 SC 2486 Supreme Court of India India circa 1993 flag 8
Union of India v SL Abbas [1993] INSC 235; (1993) 4 SCC 357; 1993 2 SCALE 718; 1993 3 JT 678; 1993 3 SCR 427; AIR 1993 SC 2444 Supreme Court of India India circa 1993 LIIofIndia flag 126
Mrs Shilpi Bose Vs Bihar AIR 1991 SC 532 Supreme Court of India India circa 1991 flag 131
Andhra Pradesh v v Sadanandam [1990] INSC 330; 1989 1 SCC Supl 574; 1990 4 JT 245; 1989 1 SCALE 1464; AIR 1989 SC 2060; 1989 3 SCR 342; 1990 2 SCR Supl 433 Supreme Court of India India 26 Oct 1990 LIIofIndia flag 11
2004 2 SCC 371 2004 2 SCC 371 circa 2004 2

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