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Police v Karviswar Dursun - CN 776/05   flag 

[2005] MUIntC 535
Intermediate Court of Mauritius
26th December, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Sumodhee S i; Keramuth a N; Nawoor M S v State [2005] SCJ 71 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 2005 flag 1
BR Karrimbaccus v The State [2004] SCJ 200 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 2004 flag 45
Bhoyrub a v the State [2004] SCJ 307 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 2004 flag 5
Nunkoo D and Munghal AK v The State [2004] SCJ 60 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 2004 flag 2

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