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AmazonCom, Inc v Patrick Ryan Costigan   flag 

[2005] NZIPOPAT 7
New Zealand Intellectual Property Office - Patents Decisions
New Zealand
21st March, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Holtite Ltd v Jost (Great Britain) Ltd [1979] RPC 81 circa 1979 12
Johnson ’ s Application (1909) 26 RPC 780 circa 1909 4
Chain Bar Mill Co Ltd's Application (1941) 58 RPC 200 circa 1941 5
National School of Salesmanship Ltd v The Plomien Fuel Economiser Ltd (1942) 59 RPC 95 circa 1942 5
Clevite Corporations Patent [1966] RPC 199 circa 1966 2
Ratnam v Cumarasamy [1964] 3 All ER 933; [1965] 1 WLR 8 United Kingdom circa 1964 LexisNexis flag 489
General Tire and Rubber Co (Frost ’ s) Patent [1972] RPC 259 circa 1972 15
Re Merck & Co Inc (1952) 69 RPC 285 circa 1952 2
Catnic Components Ltd v Hill & Smith Ltd [1982] RPC 183; [1981] FSR 60 United Kingdom circa 1981 flag 554
Rosedale Association Manufacturers Ltd v Carlton Tyre Saving Co Ltd [1959] RPC 189 circa 1959 2
Distillers Co Ltd ’ s Application 72 RPC 221 circa 1959 2
Zambon S pA 's Patent [1971] RPC 95 circa 1971 2
Standard Telephones and Cables Ld 72 RPC 19 circa 1959 1
Glaverbel SA v British Coal Corporation [1995] FSR 254 United Kingdom circa 1995 flag 7
Chevron Research Co ’ s Patent [1970] RPC 580 circa 1970 11

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