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Francisco L Gonzales v Erminda F Gonzales   flag 

[2005] PHSC 1400
Supreme Court of the Philippines
16th December, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(2003) 417 Scra 1960 (2003) 417 SCRA 1960 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1960 flag 1
(2003) 396 Scra 282 (2003) 396 SCRA 282 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2003 flag 4
Heirs of William Sevilla v Sevilla 402 SCRA 501 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 12
Lantin vs Court of Appeals 402 SCRA 202 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
Potenciano v Reynoso 401 SCRA 391 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 15
399 Scra 351 399 SCRA 351 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 10
200 P 1 200 P 1 3

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