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Radha, D/Ochenmala Kalyani Amma v Sankaranarayanan, S/Onechikkattil - WP(C)   flag 

[2006] INKLHC 1808
High Court of Kerala
India - Kerala
23rd November, 2006

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Mathai Mathew v Thampi 1989 1 KLT 138 India - Kerala circa 1989 flag 9
Kerala v McDowell and CoLtd 1994 1 KLT 802 India - Kerala circa 1994 flag 2
Sreedharan v Gopi 2003 2 KLT 372 India - Kerala circa 2003 flag 1

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