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Shri Santosh Humraskar v State Through Public Prosecutor and Anr - Crmam / 92 / 2007   flag 

[2007] INGAHC 97
High Court of Bombay at Goa
4th May, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Air 1971 SC 2486 AIR 1971 SC 2486 Supreme Court of India India circa 1971 flag 16
Vs Ved Murti AIR 1971 SC 2481 Supreme Court of India India circa 1971 flag 6
[1995] Criminal Law Journal (India) 607 [1995] Criminal Law Journal (India) 607 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 1995 flag 1
[1992] Cr LJ 3608 [1992] Cr LJ 3608 India circa 1992 flag 1
[1988] Cr LJ 255 [1988] Cr LJ 255 India circa 1988 flag 1
JC Mehta v State [1982] Cr LJ 1488 India circa 1982 flag 1
Sona Khan v State [1981] Cr LJ 39 India circa 1981 flag 1
Air 1980 Pat 257 AIR 1980 Pat 257 India - Bihar circa 1980 flag 1
[1978] Cr LJ 1171 [1978] Cr LJ 1171 India circa 1978 flag 1

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