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Devi Narayanan v IG Registration - WP 13202 of 2007   flag 

[2007] INTNHC 2100
High Court of Madras
India - Madras
28th June, 2007

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1982 Mad 138 AIR 1982 Mad 138 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1982 flag 4
Air 2001 Cal 76 AIR 2001 Cal 76 India - West Bengal circa 2001 flag 2
Collector and District Registrar, Hyderabad, of the Andhra Pradesh High Court AIR 1997 Mad 296 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1997 flag 4
Revenue Divisional Officer, Adilabad, A P [1994] INSC 52; 1994 2 SCALE 298; 1994 2 JT 604; 1994 4 SCC 595; 1994 1 SCR 368 Supreme Court of India India 25 Jan 1994 LIIofIndia flag 196
1986 1 ALT 546 1986 1 ALT 546 Australia circa 1986 flag 2

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