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S K Srivastava, R/O F-13, Naveen Shahdara v Union of India through Joint Secretary (UT) - Case   flag 

[2008] INCAT 628
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
29th May, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Bihar Deed Writers Association v Bihar AIR 1989 Pat 144 India - Bihar circa 1989 flag 2
K Eshaque v Sub-Registrar, Kozhikode & Another AIR 2002 Ker 128 India - Kerala circa 2002 flag 2
Krishna v Stae of Punjab AIR 1986 P & H 328 India - Punjab circa 1986 flag 3
Nalla Gounder v Krishnaswami Naicker AIR 1945 Mad 465 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1945 flag 4
Ram Lakhan v Pandit Raghunandan AIR 1989 Pat 145 India - Bihar circa 1989 flag 2

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