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K Raghunandan v Ali Hussain Sabir   flag 

[2008] INSC 920
Supreme Court of India
14th May, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1989 P & H 324 AIR 1989 P & H 324 India - Punjab circa 1989 flag 1
Ramkrishna Jadhav v Rakhmabai Ramkrishna Jadhav AIR 1981 Bom 52 India - Maharashtra circa 1981 flag 3
Amaravathi Ammal AIR 1971 Mad 182 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1971 flag 2
Air 1960 Pat 179 AIR 1960 Pat 179 India - Bihar circa 1960 flag 2
[1956] SCR 73 [1956] SCR 73 circa 1956 1
Shankar Sitaram Sontakke & Anr v Balkrishna Sitaram Sontakke [1954] INSC 41; [1955] SCR 99; AIR 1954 SC 352 Supreme Court of India India 12 Apr 1954 LIIofIndia flag 10
Air 1953 Pat 178 AIR 1953 Pat 178 India - Bihar circa 1953 flag 2
Air 1951 Pat 299 AIR 1951 Pat 299 India - Bihar circa 1951 flag 1
10 SCC 788 10 SCC 788 circa 1954 1
10 SCC 782 10 SCC 782 circa 1954 1
5 SCC 709 5 SCC 709 6

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