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Hari Ram v Rajasthan & Anr   flag 

[2009] INSC 892
Supreme Court of India
5th May, 2009

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
5 SCC 488 5 SCC 488 10
(2008) 8 Scale 608 (2008) 8 SCALE 608 Supreme Court of India India circa 2008 flag 2
5 SCC 697 5 SCC 697 1
12 SCC 697 12 SCC 697 1
8 SCC 720 8 SCC 720 6
2 SCC 287 2 SCC 287 2
Air 1978 Cal 529 AIR 1978 Cal 529 India - West Bengal circa 1978 flag 2
11 SCC 420 11 SCC 420 1
Babloo Pasi v Jharkhand (2008) 13 SCALE 137 Supreme Court of India India circa 2008 flag 2
Air 1989 Pat 217 AIR 1989 Pat 217 India - Bihar circa 1989 flag 5
2 SCC 202 2 SCC 202 circa 2008 10
3 SCC 551 3 SCC 551 circa 2008 15

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