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Kafel v Intestate Estate of Barclay Cooper   flag 

[2010] LRSC 36
Supreme Court of Liberia
30th August, 2010

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Gooding (Deceased) v Intestate Estate of Toomey [1998] LRSC 5; 38 LLR 534 Supreme Court of Liberia Liberia 22 Jan 1998 LiberLII flag 1
Williams v Walker-Thomas Furniture Co 350 F2d 445; 121 USApp DC 315; 18 ALR 3d 1297 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States 11 Aug 1965 WorldLII flag 43
"Consideration is an essential element of, and is necessary to the enforcement or validity of, a contract It follows from this rule that a promise not supported by any consideration cannot amount to a contract or be enforced, and that want or lack of consideration is an excuse for nonperformance of a promise or grounds for unilateral recession " 17A Am Jur 2 United States flag 4

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