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Kafel v Intestate Estate of Barclay Cooper   flag 

[2010] LRSC 36
Supreme Court of Liberia
30th August, 2010

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Consideration is an essential element of, and is necessary to the enforcement or validity of, a contract It follows from this rule that a promise not supported by any consideration cannot amount to a contract or be enforced, and that want or lack of consideration is an excuse for nonperformance of a promise or grounds for unilateral recession " 17A Am Jur 2 United States flag 4
Gooding (Deceased) v Intestate Estate of Toomey [1998] LRSC 5; 38 LLR 534 Supreme Court of Liberia Liberia 22 Jan 1998 LiberLII flag 1
Williams v Walker-Thomas Furniture Co 350 F2d 445; 121 USApp DC 315; 18 ALR 3d 1297 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States 11 Aug 1965 WorldLII flag 43

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