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PN Kohli v Union of India - CW 4515/2008   flag 

[2011] INDLHC 306
High Court of Delhi
19th January, 2011

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1997) 6 SCC 573 (1997) 6 SCC 573 circa 1997 1
(1998) 5 SCC 762 (1998) 5 SCC 762 circa 1998 1
A K Roy v Union of India & Anr [1981] INSC 209; (1982) 1 SCC 271; [1982] 2 SCR 272; [1982] SCC (Cri) 152; 1981 4 SCALE 1905; AIR 1982 SC 710 Supreme Court of India India 28 Dec 1981 LIIofIndia flag 91
Aeltemesh Rein, Advocate, Supreme Court of India v Union of India [1988] INSC 205; 1988 2 SCALE 301; 1988 3 JT 275; 1988 4 SCC 54; 1988 2 SCR Supl 223; AIR 1988 SC 1768 Supreme Court of India India 4 Aug 1988 LIIofIndia flag 7
Air 1995 Delhi 105 AIR 1995 Delhi 105 India - Delhi circa 1995 flag 1
Air 2001 Delhi 93 AIR 2001 Delhi 93 India - Delhi circa 2001 flag 2
Air 2003 SC 4493 AIR 2003 SC 4493 Supreme Court of India India circa 2003 flag 2
Air 2006 SC 1325 AIR 2006 SC 1325 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 5
Air 2006 SC 3268 AIR 2006 SC 3268 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 1
Air 2010 SC 1030 AIR 2010 SC 1030 Supreme Court of India India circa 2010 flag 1
Common Cause (A Regd Society) v Union of India (2008) 5 SCC 511 circa 2008 7
Himachal Pradesh & Anr v Umed Ram Sharma [1986] INSC 12; (1986) 2 SCC 68; AIR 1986 SC 847; 1986 1 SCALE 182; 1986 1 SCR 251 Supreme Court of India India 11 Feb 1986 LIIofIndia flag 15
Himachal Pradesh v a Parent of a Student of Medical College Simla [1985] INSC 86; 1985 3 SCR 676; 1985 1 SCALE 758; 1985 3 SCC 169; AIR 1985 SC 910 Supreme Court of India India 11 Apr 1985 LIIofIndia flag 41
P Ramachandra Rao v Karnataka (2002) 4 SCC 578; AIR 2002 SC 1856 Supreme Court of India India circa 2002 flag 37
Sheela Barse v Union of India (1988) 4 SCC 226 circa 1988 8

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