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Smith (Shawn Marie) v Pinnock (Winston)   flag 

[2016] JMCA 206
Court of Appeal of Jamaica
1st July, 2016

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Lorna Morgan v Gloria Reid and Richard Brown (1991) 28 JLR 239 Jersey circa 1991 flag 2
George Graham v Elvin Nash (1990) 27 JLR 570 Jersey circa 1990 flag 3
Williams v Sinclair (1976) 14 JLR 172 Jersey circa 1976 flag 5
Ivan Brown v Bailey (1974) 12 JLR 1338; (1974) 21 WIR 394 Jersey circa 1974 flag 9
Patterson and Nicely v Lynch (1973) 12 JLR 1241 Jersey circa 1973 flag 5
Christian v Brown (1972) 12 JLR 1039 Jersey circa 1972 flag 2
Arnold Brown v AG (1968) 11 JLR 35 Jersey circa 1968 flag 4
Francis v Allen (1957) 7 JLR 100 Jersey circa 1957 flag 6
Aarons v Lindo (1953) 6 JLR 205 Jersey circa 1953 flag 2
Willocks v Wilson (1944) 4 JLR 217 Jersey circa 1944 flag 3
Salter Rex & Co v Ghosh [1971] 2 QB 597; [1971] 2 All ER 865 United Kingdom circa 1971 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 205
Christian v Brown, Welds v Montego Bay Ice Co Ltd, and Smith (1962) 5 WIR 56 circa 1962 3
Wallace v Whyte (1961) 3 WIR 521 circa 1961 1

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